...from growing.
Roses are amazing plants in many ways, but I will write about one of it's attributes today. These wonderful plants, thorns and all, have such strength to endure....so much. The rose bush or vine seems to hold up to very harsh temperature changes and tends to keep it's leaves green and brilliant into the very cold winter days. I have even seen some "Double Knock-Out" roses in our neighborhood still producing new blooms while there was a week of sleet and snow! Now, we must understand that roses are not invincible, but they are very tough and this should be considered by us all this day. Why should they even be considered, you ask? Especially,...why should anyone of us take precious minutes out of our day to consider the rose?
As humans, we are created and the rose is a created thing. We have a common bond in that. We are part of the creation. We were made with purpose and strengths specifically for our purpose. If a rose has such detail, uniqueness, strength, resilience and power to influence it's area with heavenly fragrance and pleasure to the eye, why would we be less of the description I just mentioned of the rose?? We are so much more precious to the Creator, so much more full of purpose and grandeur and strength. We as humans....as women...are so much more valuable and resilient, having so much ability--power of influence on our "neighborhood" or circle of friends. GOD created you and me with such a divine purpose that will bring so much more of an impact on the lives of others than a rose could ever do.
Gardeners take such attention to caring for their roses. Even the roses that are vines and can grow freely up a fence, a trellis or a building; they, too, must be nurtured at their roots and sprayed for insects that threaten to take them out. Gardeners will tend to them with the purpose of keeping the beauty on-going, of keeping the elegance growing, of keeping the wonderful joy happening in the eyes and minds of those who get to see these roses thrive and reach for the sky.
Some roses, however, grow in the wild, with no one to tend to them. And they, too, can still grow up high and brilliant. They are watched by God Himself and even they have a grand purpose. Only the animals and God know what the wild rose's purpose is, but this a thing we must have faith about....that God is still working in the things that no one else sees.
In God's Word, Jesus is teaching his followers about how they can understand the amazing majesty of God the Father. He says, about himself, that He is the vine and we are the branches. But Jesus also teaches that God is the vine-dresser....the Gardener. (This is found in John 15 in the Bible) Jesus wants us to know that God is always watching us and wants to see us thrive.
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